Contra Mozilla

Friday, July 12, 2013

Seven Quick Takes Friday (v. 64 ): What I Did During the Final

Proctoring exams is not my favorite part of the teaching job (though grading the exams is worse by far). Almost inevitably, there are a handful of students who are asking questions in the hope that I will give away the answers to the problems posed. There are also a number of people who ask incessantly how much time is left, and a few people who would rather complain about the test length and how there isn't enough time to finish it (which is not true) than to actually work on attempting to finish the test.

Therefore, I gave little updates on the board as the test progressed. Here are some of them.

The exam is long,
The test time is rather short:
Better get started.

Diligence and haste
Are watchwords for this test:
Work efficiently!


Talking is cheating,
Don't seek help from your neighbors--
This is an exam.

No phones are allowed
Texting is worse than talking:
Don't seek outside help.

That foreboding sense
Which you feel deep in your soul--
It's called despair.

Many have taken
An exam more difficult--
But you shall not pass!

Be quick but thorough
On this your grade will depend
You have but one hour.

You spirit is broken
Morale is starting to wane:
You're only half way.
To finish the test,
Concentrate on the questions.
The board will waste time.

If you're reading this,
Note that distractions slow you--
You need to focus.

Seven minutes left
Make any graphs you need
Finish your answers.

Four minutes ago,
This was actually right,
Now you have three left.


The test time is up,
Put your names on your papers.
Now give them to me.

Summer sets in now,
Leave here with the memory
Of battles well fought.


Seven Quick Takes Friday is hosted by Mrs Jennifer Fulwiler at her Conversion Diary blog.

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