Contra Mozilla

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Abortion in One Simple Video

Here's all you need to know about abortion, captured in one video.

For context, the people in blue who are singing are pro-life, and are wearing blue as part of the "Let Texas Speak" and #Stand4Life campaign. The people who are wearing (I'm ashamed to say) burnt Orange--which is, I suppose, a combination of brown and blood-red--are pro-abortion, and they are the ones chanting.

I might ad that while I am not generally the biggest fan of the song "Amazing Grace," it is a very fitting song to be sung in this case, given the story of the man who composed it. Also fitting is the chant by the pro-abortion crowd--"Hail Satan!"--though Moloch or Tlaloc or Ba'al might also work (though lesser than Satan, they all specifically demanded child sacrifices).

Update: Another video has surfaced; apparently, this wasn't just a one-time thing.

As Mark Shea puts it, "You know, pro-aborts, you can reach a point where, in your effort to be all postmodern and ironic you circle back to simply speaking the truth about yourselves. I would submit that you have just achieved that goal as you chant 'Hail Satan' in your struggle to make sure that child slaughter remains unsafe, legal and common." It's reminiscent of the fact that people can at times tell the truth or even prophecy when they mean to lie to themselves and to others (cf. John 11:50).

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