Contra Mozilla

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Once Upon a Time: Abortion

Once upon a time, abortion zealots focused their arguments on the "tough" cases such as rape and life of the mother. These are, of course, among the easiest was to use misguided empathy of "the people" to sell murder to them; even if they account for a scarce 1% (or fewer) of all abortions in America. They need not mention that their beloved abortion mill chain, Planned Parenthood, is often guilty of covering up certain types of rape, and that other abortion mills often follow Planned Parenthood's lead.

Then they expanded into a few less tough, but still not easy cases, such as dangers to the mother's health, or "birth defects" (lebensunwertes leben) and poverty (we can't allow the untermensch to breed). These are a bit more tenuous, as the mother's health ranges from actual (if rare) situations in which the woman might experience health problems (e.g. hospitalization*, etc.) to "mental health problems," by which is often meant that the woman might be afraid that her boyfriend will leave her if she doesn't "terminate." This willingness of many women to actually murder their children to keep the deadbeat dad around has in turn become a powerful bargaining chip for the deadbeat dads of those women who aren't so inclined, but that's for another day.

Having milked the sympathy cow for all that it's worth, the pro-abortion side turned to another "issue," which is the environment. Apparently, it's ok to contracept is such massive quantities that the rivers literally run with the stuff, but it's not ok to have more than one or maybe two children. Many of the people have put aside the farce of "choice" and endorsed a one-child policy similar to that of China. Nevermind that the overpopulation myth is old as Malthus, with its dire end-of-the-world predictions coming to about as much fruition as Harold Camping's Rapture Prophecies (albeit, the former are a bit more frequent).

And now, we enter into a new phase of arguments in favor of abortion. Who knew that pregnancy makes women fat? Somehow, I have trouble believing that this argument really cares much about women. But then, what person who argues that abortion should be easy to obtain, and the alternatives few and alternative resources scarce, does?


*Oddly enough the only women that I know who have had any kind of pregnancy-related health problems have both kept their babies. Abortion was never on the table for either at any point, and in the end, all has been well.

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