Contra Mozilla

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Today's Orwellian News

Lying doesn't pay. Even when lying for a good cause. With that said, the fact that a Gran Jury has indicted David Daleidon--the man behind the "undercover sting" videos which busted Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human organs from aborted children--of criminal charges. Specifically, the Grand Jury brought charges of organ trafficking against Mr. Daleidon--who pretended to want to buy organs--but not against Planned Parenthood, who actually tried to sell them.
A grand jury in Harris County, Texas, returned two charges on Monday afternoon against Daleiden, the activist who planned and organized the undercover sting videos. Although the grand jury allegedly investigated Planned Parenthood, no charges were brought against the nation’s largest abortion provider, whose executives were shown in multiple videos attempting to sell trafficked organs and other body parts harvested from aborted babies. One Planned Parenthood executive, while haggling over the prices of aborted baby organs, noted that she needed to get the right price because, “I want to buy a Lamborghini.”

According to a press release from the office of Harris County district attorney’s office which was provided to The Federalist, Daleiden was charged with the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, and with tampering with a governmental record, a felony. Sandra Merritt, one of Daleiden’s associates, was also charged with tampering with a governmental record.
In his press release, Mr. Daleidon states that "buying fetal tissue requires a seller as well" and that "Planned Parenthood still cannot deny the admissions from their leadership about fetal organ sales captured on video for all the world to see."

In this life, and especially in these times and this place, the relatively innocent are charged as guilty, whereas the really guilty parties walk away scot free. Another point of interest: the Harris County prosecutor in this case sits on the board of directors for the Planned Parenthood affiliate which Daleidon targeted.

Ceterum censeo Planned Parenthood esse delendam

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