This is a revisiting of a one of the posts which I accidentally deleted. I noticed that after the mob shouted down SB5 in the old special session, that the more self-congratulatory members of said mob were claiming that the voice of the people had been heard. In other words, it was the will of the people enacted that the bill did not get a fair vote. Nevermind that many people present were not shouting, but rather were waiting quietly and respectfully (in accordance with the state senate's own rules). Nevermind that many of those present supported the bill, or that the capital is perhaps the most liberal and pro-abortion city in the state, and that any crowd assembled on short notice to "watch" a proceeding expected to last until midnight will draw overwhelmingly from the nearby populace. It was a triumph for "the people," by which is apparently meant a mob of occupy Wallstreet wannabes.
Those same people who were trumpeting the triumph of "the will of the people" were strangely silent about any supposed "will of the people" or rule by democracy the next day. Some even went so far as to celebrate the Supreme Court's ruling on Proposition 8, which essentially said that "the people" (meaning private citizens" do not have to right to defend the laws enacted by those same people in a majority vote during an election with the highest voter turnout in history. Apparently, the will of the people only matters when it agrees with the agenda, and the voice of the people is only to be heeded when it screams for the policies of the Party.
Ignore those crowds with the palm branches: we only listen to the mob yelling for Barabbas. There is, of course, a will which is infinitely more important than that alleged to be of "the people." There is a voice which is by far more important than that of "the people," though they are loud and it is often still and small. This is often the first will to be forgotten when a mob is formed, and the first voice to be drowned out by the shouting. The second is any which opposes the mob, and then the third is that of any individual within the mob.
Update: apparently, my Barabbas remark falls short of the depravity of this mob. Sad, but not surprising. What can we do but pray for all those involved. "Eternal Father, I offer you today the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son our Lord, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world..."
We may be pessimists, but we are prepared to give an account of our hope. We may be skeptics, but we are ever faithful. We may look down with sorrow on the human condition--but this sorrow begets charity. We are heralds of the dusk, but like watchmen we await the new dawn.
Contra Mozilla
Firefox users we wanted to take this space to let you know what Mozilla, the company that makes Firefox has been doing, and it's not good. Mozilla recently forced its CEO to resign because he had, 6 years ago, donated $1,000 to a pro-family political group. Apparently Mozilla is intolerant of anyone that disagrees with their Liberal/progressive view of politics. To read more please visit We aren't blocking Firefox, but we feel it is important to let you know what's going on. For those who are curious, the reason why we are not blocking firefox is that the script to do so also blocks a variety of firefox alternatives, such as IceDragon and others which are similar to firefox and based on the same open-source code. We do think it is important to push back on this issue: for starters, you can leave firefox a comment here. You can also switch to another browser: here are six more free browsers (besides IceDragon) which are supposed to be similar to FireFox (because they are based on the same open-source code) but which are not otherwise affiliated with Mozilla.
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