- Race baiters like Al $harpton should consider looking to their own house first. This is because by far the vast majority of crimes against blacks are committed by other blacks, amounting to 10,000 murders since Trayvon Martin. They won't do it, because there's money to be made from stirring up racial hatred and mistrust: that's how the Democrats keep black folks as virtual voting serfs.
- It's not just blacks who are the victims of the crime committed by blacks, though these are the majority of the victims. Blacks and Hispanics account for the vast majority of all criminals in cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit, and DC, and policies such as stop-and-frisk etc. actually target white in a higher proportions than their share of crimes committed. Racism, my foot.
- As the coup de grace, there is an anchor stating that more white kids need to die in order for whites to become more sympathetic to racism. Guess which "news" agency the anchor works for? Is anybody surprised by this?
There is still a bit of racial tension left in America. Its flames are largely stoked by hucksters and hacks like Al $harpton, Eric Holder, and their ilk.
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