- In Texas, the pro-life bill SB1/HB2 (often called the pro-life or anti-abortion omnibus bill) passed Friday night and was signed into law. It will, of course, have to survive the inevitable court challenges, which is an iffy proposition given that the Courts tend to style themselves as determiners and even makers of the law and not merely interpreters. There are few good things which come out of the courts anymore.
- Meanwhile, the busiest abortion mill in Virginia will close its doors after a pro-life bill was passed in that state.
I have a few comments about this good news. First, concerning the closure of the Virginia "clinic," it's well worth noting that this place had numerous health and safety violations when inspected, had a history of sending women to emergency rooms for botched abortions, and its owner had already had had to surrender her medical license years ago "amid findings that she improperly sedated a patient in 2005 and failed to realize that the woman had gone into cardiac arrest." So this should be hailed as good new even by the "pro-women, pro-choice" camp which has taken the "legal, safe" slogan as a mantra--I suspect that this will not be their reaction, however, but rather the gnashing of teeth that abortion mills be held to some actual standards of safety (at least concerning the mother).
Second, the reason why I am posting the first item so late is because I couldn't find what, exactly, had become of SB1/HB2 with a simple search of good news. I'm not kidding. The first three entire pages of Good news which came up with from such completely worthless (and worse than worthless) sites as Jezebel and The Burnt Orange Report, all lamenting that this bill was even being considered. Even today, this is what google pulls up for me when I type in SB1/HB2:
I mean, really...
You'd think that there wasn't a single person on the internet who was actually in agreement with this law. The Google news doesn't do much better, though by now there is one headline which implies that the thing has become a law. Whatever happened to simply reporting the news? Is it so much to ask for a simple headline reading "Pro-Life (or even Anti-Abortion) Omnibus Bill Passes both Chambers of Texas Legislature, Signed by Governor"? To be blunt, opinion is not news, and the Huffington Post, Burnt Orange Report, and Jezebel (or Gawker in general) are not legitimate news sources anymore than Townhall or National Review or Breitbart.com are news services. Not that the actual "news" agencies do much better anymore, but still, is it too much to ask for simple, honest, straightforward reporting of the basic facts? I'm not opposed to seeing opinion pieces as well, but really, these should be separate from the news itself.
Bonus points for the fact that the mainstream and liberal/progressive (but I repeat myself) "news" sources are so completely biased that you can get around them by typing in "pro-life bill"; none of these sources use the term 'pro-life," though the mainstream media uses "pro-choice" freely. It turns out that the news isn't really there to inform anymore.
Update: In related news...
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