- The Federalist has a brutally honest meme (if it can be called a meme) which puts the lie to the claim that Dane are happier and their lives better thanks to socialism.
- Lucid thinking has never been the strong suit of progressives.
- I like the idea of stronger marriage preparation (and even of an early-marriage catechumenate of sorts), and the pre-Cana program is generally pretty poor. However, RCIA still has a long ways to go in most parishes, as does membership retention of both cradle-Catholics and converts. Still, fixing pre-Cana would be a good outcome if the Synod can manage it.
- Here is an argument that Gays (and others, frankly) are leaving the Church because her members and leaders are not conservative enough.
- As the Synod prepares for its decision on communion for divorced and "re-married" (i.e. adulterous) Catholics, one bishop asks if St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher died in vain.
- National Review has some Star Wars commentary.
- So you think you want to self-publish?
- The difference between Republican and Democrat--or why so many people hate both parties.
Life this semester seems to be constantly hectic. And it doesn't look to get any easier next semester, either.
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